Featured Link:
Steve Simmon

Photographers mentioned in this page are in no way associated with the website (yet!). Got a book or a workshop or a body of work which could benefit from this domain name? Let me put a rich media ad right here to put it to work for you. In the meantime...

:: PhotographingtheWest.net :: is
Steve Simmons's site dedicated to photography Out West.

Fernando Puche Exhibit and Reception at Mountain Light

:: Mountain Light :: is pleased to present Spanish nature photographer Fernando Puche's North American debut at a guest exhibit this summer at the gallery in Bishop.

The Puche exhibit will go on display July 1 and run through September 30. An artist's reception, open to the public, will be held Friday, July 3, 6-9 p.m. at the gallery.


Everett Ruess, 75 Years Later...

Photographing the West has not always been the safest of avocations. In November 1934, young photographer Everett Ruess heard the call of the wild. First he crossed paths with Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange. Then he crossed paths with the Utes.
:: In the News ::
:: Background ::
:: Dying to Get into National Geo ::


Photographers' Brochures

Links placed in this space can be configured to go to a brochure page on this site or to a URL of your choosing. :: more ::

Photography's Image
of the American West

March 29, 2009–June 8, 2009

MoMA: Into the Sunset Photography has framed the idea of the American West from 1850 to the present. Photography's development coincided with the exploration and the settlement of the West, and their simultaneous rise resulted in a complex association that has shaped the perception of the West's physical and social landscape to this day...

. :: Galleries ::


Go West for Workshops

Who's going where with what projects in mind? Wildlife with Wolfe? Landscapes with Allard? Business with Moose? Deadlines, prices, venues; your one stop shop for the places to be and the people to be there with. Add your workshops to the list. :: Workshops ::

Words of the West

Books, Essays, Notable Articles online and in print; reviews, shopping, favorite quotes, etc. :: Words ::

Location, Location, Location

Your and our tips on locations, B&B's, hotels, times and seasons: the logistics of photographing the west. :: Logistics ::

Photographers & Stock

Pages about and links to photographers who welcome commissions Out West or have the stock you need for your next project. Find an editorial, commercial, or a fine arts photographer — or leave your calling card. :: Photographers ::


Hardware, software and techniques to help fit The West into your photographs.
:: Talk Tech ::

Digital or Analog?

"Red or Green?" may be the state question of New Mexico, but among landscape photographers the perennial query is "Film or digital?". We invite your essays, musings, and cogitations on :: The Digital Divide ::

Sunrise at City of Rocks,
Grant County, NM

The Rest of New Mexico

Beyond Taos & Santa Fe

A photo or a folio here introduces fresh content monthly. The location, the photographer, the techniques employed provide a keynote and novel content for the current issue. :: more  ::

Recent back issues keyed to previously featured content here.

The Other New Mexico
The West At Night
The West Lives in its Details
Flyover Country
Where the West Began
Putting the Tao in Taos
What They Saw
Yellowstone: Beyond Icon

:: Older Content ::


Photographing the West

A relatively static statement of what the website is all about goes here. The link goes to a history of photography in the west to provide some context and erudition for the the whole enterprise. :: more ::